January 2022

Total Vacciness

Vaccination Clinics in the Wellness Committee in collaboration with the Yuma County Health Department, through the Esperanza Para Todos/Hope For All Program of the UnidosUS National Organization. (The second year with Unidos starts in March, 2022)

Vaccines applied = Modern, Pfizer, Influenza, Hepatitis A and Tdap (tetanus)

Participating Organizations:
Yuma County Health Department
United US/Hope for All
Fire Department St. Louis, AZ
Campesinos Sin Fronteras (conducted surveys at the clinic and invited people to take free rapid Covid detection tests)

Number of vaccines in the event = 163
Pfizer vaccine = 40 (12+)
Pfizer vaccine = 9 (peds 5-11yrs)
Modern Vaccine= 72
Hepatitis A Vaccines= 12
Influenza Vaccine= 16
Tdap (Tetanus) Shots=14

Satisfactorily, around 200 people attended the vaccination clinic held on Thursday, February 3. In this clinic, the first, second doses and reinforcement of the vaccine against COVID 19 will be applied. Also an event where vaccines will be applied for children from 5 to 11 years old with the approval of the parents. People who came from neighboring Mexico also attended. Which came with different vaccines and Moderna or Pfizer were applied. The event continued with the approval of the combination of vaccines against COVID 19. All this in accordance with the specialists and health authorities. Another of the applied vaccines was against Influenza. Also the Hepatitis A and Tetanus vaccine.
The next vaccination clinic will be on March 3, 2022 from 9am-1pm.


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