September 2023

Total Vacciness
Hepatitis A

Staff from Comite De Bien Estar in collaboration with the Yuma County Health Department through the Esperanza Para Todos/Hope For All Program of the UnidosUS National Organization held the #42 vaccination clinic.

Vaccines= Moderna, Bivalent booster, Flu, Hepatitis A, HPV and Generals.

  • Yuma County Health Department
  • Unidos US/ Hope For All Program
  • Comité De Bien Estar
  • Sunset Health
  • Mexican Consulate
  • The University of Arizona
  • Yuma Catholic Services
  • Campesinos Sin Fronteras
  • PPEP
  • Arizona Western College
  • Fire Department

Vaccine numbers= 74
Pfizer = 18
Moderna = 17
Hepatitis A = 20
Influenza = 3
Generals = 16
COVID 19 vaccines = 35

Comite De Bien Estar staff attended to around 150 people who came to the Vaccination Clinic on Thursday, September 7 from 9am to 12pm.


  • Arizona Western College participated in the vaccination clinic for the first time and offered information about the different courses and scholarships that are available and easily accessible to people.
  • Sunset Health provided information about eligibility to people who are about to lose their health insurance. They did cholesterol and body
    mass tests.
  • University of Arizona staff participated in the clinic offering
    information about services and resources focused on Cancer.
  • Campesinos Sin Fronteras was present with glucose and blood
    pressure tests
  • Yuma Catholic Services offered information about all its programs and resources to benefit the community
  • Yuma Catholic Services offered information about all its programs and resources to benefit the community
  • PPEP provided information and resources about its programs to
    benefit farmworkers.
  • The participation of the Fire Department to take care of the safety of the people who attend the event
  • Comite De Bien Estar staff organized the event and participated with an information table about our programs and services.

Next Vaccination Clinic Thursday October 5, 2023
CDB Hall 963 E. B Street San Luis, AZ
Time: 9am-12pm


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